With the upcoming DC reboot (52 titles??) I thought I'd throw my two cents in: Kamandi. Kamandi, Kamandi, Kamandi, damn it. DC could get a hell of a run out of Kamandi. MY Kamandi would be set about fifteen years after the original Kirby series. kamandi is scarred, haggard, and has finally embraced his distant Kryptonian blood ties (he's, like, Superman's great great great great great great great great grandson)...hence, the Superman scar on his chest. On top of everything, he has OMAC's (Kamandi's Grandfather) Brother Eye on his side. The story: Kamandi has discovered that his future IS the future of the main DC universe -- but it is a corrupted, abnormal outcome. It is NOT how things were supposed to go, and it is up to Kamandi to somehow make things right. He needs to fix things, which means destroying his timeline forever, and everyone that exists in it. He's like Booster Gold, except his quest is to destroy. And HELL YES there would be time travel. But don't worry, things won't get complicated, because, if they do, Kamandi just starts poppin' caps and blowin' shit up. He's wreckless.
In this particular issue, Kamandi finds the SECOND strain of Morticoccus, a vicious bacterial strain developed by Kirby in the original series. A little misguided to his true quest, Kamandi considers destroying his PRESENT timeline, not the past...will he? Maybe. But since this is a fake, we'll never know. But it would be pretty cool to see him destroy the entire planet. Morticoccus kicks ass.
Note: I attempted to go all-out Kirby on this one, and I may have gone too far. Kamandi's head looks a little too big and weird, but then again, Jack Kirby pulled that shit all the time. I AM, however, very pleased with Morticoccus. I'm digitally inking this, and it's taking forever. I just finished a large, hand-inked version, and I think it looks MUCH better and took half the time. I'll post it, once I can get a scan of it.
Kamandi succeeded in uniting man and manimal...
...back before he got all genocidal and shit. |
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