Thursday, July 29, 2010

6 Arms to Hold You...

Doc Ock-ward.
I love Doctor Octopus. Most non-geeks know him from the film Spider-Man 2, but uber-geeks are far more familiar with Mr. Otto Octavius... There was that time he tried to marry Spidey's Aunt May, the time he tried to kill Spidey, and that other time he tried to kill Spidey, and then there's that other time he tried to kill Spidey. He's no quitter, I'll give him that much.
He has a whole new hip design now and I think he's supposed to be dying of cancer or something, but I think I'll always prefer him in his dumb green outfit and Buddy Holly specs. But I'm no colorist (ahem, 'colourist' with a 'u' here in Canada) so you'll just have to settle for the ol' black and white.
I'm not really sure what he's supposed to be doing in this picture -- dancing, maybe, going for a hi-five, or just dropping a 'BOO!' on some trick or treaters. You be the judge.
...Alfred Molina did a hell of a job playing fact, Doc Ock turned out to be the highlight of the entire trilogy. Go watch it.

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